Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Staying Put in Hospice... for Now

Fred and Sonya (brother in law and sister to Ethel), Jim (hubby) and I went to tour several skilled nursing and nursing home facilities today. We found a place to take Mom but were all very depressed that we were going to have to make a change. She is peaceful and comfortable where she is and is getting wonderful care.

Well, I think God gave us a break today. He heard my prayers and those of all of you. If ever I felt like jumping up and down with joy (if I wasn't so sad) today was the day. Jim and I met with the social worker later in the day today and she said since the Docs had changed Mom's pain meds again and due to other health issues, Mom can stay until Monday. We are hoping further than that if it is possible.

Mom does not talk much and has not opened her eyes in 2 days. She does respond sometimes with short answers and does know what is going on around her some of the time. She still giggles over things she thinks are funny but she sleeps most of the time. Our time together is precious.

Thank you for your visits and all your kind thoughts and prayers.

Life goes on and another day passes.

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