Thursday, November 27, 2008

Mom is Stable for Now

Well, Mom is continuing to amaze all of us. She is better than last night. That is not to say things are good by any means. She is continuing to hold on. She no longer drinks anything and is still swallowing but we can't take the chance of any fluid getting stuck in her throat. She is such a strong willed person and she is holding on. Her birthday is this Saturday, November 29, and she will be 72 years young.

I can't even begin to express what this time with her means to me.

1 comment:

christian said...


You have become the strength your mother needs to face these trying days. Please stay as strong as you can as you have many friends supporting you.

I never knew your mother and truly wish I had, but you have shared her with us and have been blessed to know you both.

Take care my friend.