Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday & Tuesday Updates

Monday was Tia (Sonya, Mom's sister's) Birthday - Happy Birthday Tia! We brought cupcakes to hospice and sang with Mom there. I know she hears us. We got her to drink more than we have been able to in the past few days so I was encouraged by that. I wish I knew what she was thinking when her eyes are open or when she is dreaming. You can really tell when she dreams. Right now she is sleeping peacefully most of the time.

We have not been able to get Mom to drink anything yet today. She has been sleeping the entire day. I am going to try to see if I can get her to drink shortly. She has not eaten in 9 days.

Just sharing a story from a few days ago... I was in my kitchen at home in the early morning with my daughter Eden who had woken up extra early. She got her morning "moo moo" then stood in the kitchen and said to me across the room, "Ita, Ita." That is the name my Mom chose to be called by her grandchildren. In spanish mammacita means little Mother, the 'ita' is a very endearing analogy so thus she chose "Ita" as her grandmother name. Eden has never said Ita on her own and why would she choose to say it in the morning and do so more clearly than she has ever done so before? My answer is simple. Because her Ita was there with her. More to come later in the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh god Jenn, I love that Eden story. That is so true and so unbelievable how the spirit works. Your mother's spirit is alive and well, it's her body that is failing. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us your most intimate thoughts and experiences. I love you. Cassie