Friday, November 7, 2008

Small Happy Moment Today

Mom slightly opened her eyes today twice, about 1/3 of the way. She knew it was me there, then again she opened her eyes for Jim. This would have been the 4th day without her opening her eyes so this was huge for me today. She got to see me again and know that she was not only hearing but seeing. She also said good morning to her friend Eleanor. This means she is still with us somewhat and has not totally lost touch with us here.

She has swelling in her hands right now but seems on an even keel. This is not good but we propper her hands up on pillows to try to help. Unfortunately, this is just part of the process she is going through -- one that we will all ultimately face.

In terms of Mom's future at this Hospice facility, if Mom is still eating food on Monday morning, then we will be 'booted' from this facility. We have a nursing home lined up where she will go. We will likely hire an aid for the evenings, then have shifts during the day with family and friends to be with her. I feel torn as I hope she can stay at this facility but at the same time I know that in order to stay, she has to decline even more. Hard to wish for either... all I wish for is peace and no pain for her. I love her so much.

That's all for now...

1 comment:

jo@amc said...

Gosh, Jennifer. Your post reminds me so much of how I felt when my own mother was I held on to the little signs of recognition... taking so much comfort in the connection. Losing someone you love so much is so very very hard.... I'm so sorry.

Continuing to pray for you all....