Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A New Day

Today was our first meeting with Hospice. Two very nice RNs met at Mom and Jim's house this morning at 9:00am. All of us were there... Brian, myself, Fred and Sonya (Tio and Tia to me). After learning more about all the things that Hospice has to offer... Mom made the decision to enroll. I think she was relieved. She was looking forward to the visit and is hopeful that some relief can be found for her pain.

I am hopeful that this will mean a new day for her will come where she can have some relief from her pain. She has endured pain since her whipple surgery on 1/4/07. I will never understand why Mom got this damn cancer... she did everything right. She ate well, exercised, was active and had more energy that I could ever hope to have. My hope for her is peace and comfort.

I will always have hope. But that doesn't change the fact that pancreatic cancer sucks. Period.

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